The Kompressor Experiment

Le Hard Metal – CH
Exploring dimensions between space and time, The Kompressor Experiment has been a source of melancholic gravitational waves and dissonant antimatter since 2014. After 2 albums and an EP, the band redefines its artistic direction with “Ebb & Flow” (2022); an album more frenetic than ever, telling the dramatic stories of our civilization.
- Ebb & Flow (2022 – Sunday Fog)
- KMPXP (2020 – Sunday Fog)
- 2001 (2019 – Shunu Records)
- Monolith EP (2019 – Shunu Records)
- Douze (2016)
Contact & Links
- Promotion & Production:
- Booking CH/FR:
- International Booking:
- Website / Instagram / Facebook
- Bandcamp / Spotify